CORNER: Once J. Yuenger (hereafter mentioned as "J") joined White Zombie after John Ricci's Carpel Tunnel Syndrome became too severe for him to play, the White Zombie sound that most people are familiar with (La Sexorcisto) began to take shape. [Rob eloquently describes this replacement in Zombie Zine #3 in the following manner: "...shortly after completing the new album (Make Them Die Slowly), there was a strange yet familiar poof of Green Smoke....ENTER Jay Yuenger! Yeah, so he fit the suit, but he also plays some cool as shit guitar!"] Within one month, J was playing shows with White Zombie. His riff-oriented guitar sound was a dramatic move toward the overall tightness and groove that is now the signature White Zombie sound. They began reworking the Make Them Die Slowly tunes, playing them live with growling vocals and riffy guitar, changing the lyrics and arrangements to suit the new tempo. The most obvious example of this is the song Disaster Blaster 2 on the b-side of the God of Thunder EP. Disaster Blaster is a track on Make Them Die Slowly, but by putting the song through the "J-filter" out comes Disaster Blaster 2, a shorter, sludgier, groove-oriented song which packs a larger punch than its previous incarnation. Add some Star Wars samples and you have the hint of things to come on the next major release....La Sexorcisto.
Also reworked live were the songs Acid Flesh, Revenge, and Demon Speed. New material was also generated, such as Love Razor (the other track on God Of Thunder) and the primordial stages of the songs Soul Crusher, I am Legend, Thrust, and Spiderbaby. Later came Thunderkiss 65 (still in the developmental stage until just before La Sexorcisto was recorded!), Black Sunshine and Welcome to Planet Motherfucker. Live, they often added Helter Skelter--a song on the Beatles' White Album (the album that Charles Manson claimed to be giving him direction for his murderous crimes).
The recording of La Sexorcisto was a long process, filled with litigation from various parties about samples being used in the album. These copyright issues held up the release of La Sexorcisto for months. Geffen released a presskit priming everyone for the album release which included the promotional glossy below:
Finally the album is released and the tour commences. This was truly the tour that wouldn't die. Early on in the tour, however, the bands long-lasting drummer Ivanwas jettisoned from the band. Ivan was replaced with drummer Philo. With every leg of the tour, more fans would be made and the White Zombie word was being passed from fan to fan. Finally, MTV gave the Thunderkiss '65 video airplay, and the tour came to life again! Once MTV played the video and the band was gaining popularity, Beavis & Butthead "reviewed" Thunderkiss 65 and the bands popularity soared. [note: contrary to popular belief, B&B did NOT "break" White Zombie. Anyone that tells you this doesn't know the facts!] They subsequently reviewed the videos for Black Sunshine and Welcome to Planet MF ("yeah, 'MF' stands for, like, 'pretty cool', yeah, heh") and La Sexorcisto kept selling and selling. In late1994, their tour (which began in early 1992) finally reached an end in California. At one point in 1994, Rob was suffering from a stress fracture in his leg due to his stage stomping. J called him the James Brown from hell.
There was only one single officially released for this album: Thunderkiss '65. However, there are several promotional CDs of Black Sunshine and Thunderkiss 65 to be had. See my SINGLES page for those!
What else can be said about La Sexorcisto? This album is perhaps the best metal album of all time. All the ingredients are there: wicked riffs, incomprehesible lyrics, fiendish art, and b-movie samples. Plus, you can't get away from the wickedness of a glow in the dark vinyl!! I have included the sleeve of this limited edition vinyl (the first time it's ever been on the net) because the art is so killer. The vinyl, although glow in the dark, is rather plain compared to the older vinyls.
White Zombie does metal like no other band and although their next release "Astro Creep 2000: Songs of Love, Destruction, and other Synthetic Delusions of the Electric Head" was far more popular and sold more copies, La Sexorcisto remains my personal favorite. It brought music back to the full sensory overload that it was meant to be. Strap on the headphones, stare at the album art, lean back and enjoy the ride!
Voyage to the Voodoo Moon :